ISOS Pre-trip Itinerary Review Form
Please note that a location’s Risk Rating is defined at the city, region, and/or country level, and the highest rating associated with your destination must be used for the purposes of this form. It is the traveler’s responsibility to ensure that they have complied with all required mandated of their respective school/unit and by the International Travel Planning Policy.
Additionally, this form is not trip registration. To register your CU-related international travel, visit ISOS MyTrips.
When you submit the form, a copy will be sent to International SOS and Global Travel. Please allot for a 3-4 business days response time once this form is submitted.
If you are traveling as a group, on the same itinerary, only one person (ideally the group leader) needs to submit an ISOS Pre-Trip Itinerary Review. The case number and the information ISOS provides regarding the trip will need to be shared with each individual in the group.
*Please note that undergraduate students must complete travel requirements in accordance with the Undergraduate International Travel Policy.
Personal or leisure travel is not supported by Global Travel nor International SOS.
If you have any questions about the form or requirements, please contact us at [email protected].