Travel to High and/or Extreme Travel Risk and Elevated Evacuation Status Locations
Travelers are required to fulfill pre-departure travel requirements aligned with the highest-risk location* included in their itinerary and ensure compliance with the International Travel Planning Policy.
You must review the ISOS Global Risk Ratings and ISOS Elevated Evacuation Status to determine the highest level of risk and/or Elevated Evacuation Status for your location; these ratings can be found on: ISOS Travel Risk Ratings and ISOS Evacuation Status. Please note this list is updated bi-weekly or as necessary (latest update February 7, 2025).
Additionally, the University may issue guidance, requirements, and restrictions regarding travel to specific designations, including countries subject to Comprehensive U.S. Sanctions.
*"Location" can refer to country, city, and/or region. For example, if you are traveling to a region designated as 'Low Risk', but the entire country is designated as 'High Risk', you will complete the pre-departure requirements for 'High Risk' locations.